Healing for Healers

#intentionalcommunity #sharedspaces #sharedinterests #rest #play #learn #teach #healingforhealers #thelivingroomsessions #miami2023


Find your spirit

12/7/23 -12/11/23

Limited Spaces

Join Us.

Fri Sat SUN

9-10 am or 3-4 pm



Every artist has their way of moving; familiar aches and pains that tell our stories of practice. As we find our breath, we'll find each others', to connect. Please be comfortable.

Diya Ghosh is the owner/operator of Tuk Tak Studio, focused on creating sustainable, mindfully based art and programs for individuals and groups. Learn more... www.tuktakstudio.com

1 hour sessions will be available to explore therapeutic art-making and conversation. $75/session. Sliding scale available. create@tuktakstudio.com 857 234 7866


Artists are businesses too. Knowledge allows you the agency to direct your future in sustaining your arts practice. There may be some tips to get you through the week of networking!

Tran is a Boston Artist and cultural ambassador for the creative community in Boston. She is dedicated to developing the artist's voice while empowering them to act with intention.

Tran-Vu is offering 5x 1-hour coaching sessions to develop financial well-being, navigating the home buying process, and moving to the next level through networking. 

tranvuarts@gmail.com 617 650 2088


BRUSH PLAY  Wen-Hao Tien 

Chinese Calligraphy fosters balance. Play with brush and water can be lost, almost as soon as it's found...especially on Buddha Sheets. Capture the experience.

Wen-Hao Tien is a professor ( at Boston University and University Massachusetts, Lowell) and a Public Artist recognized for her deep explorations of community and the natural environment. Her dynamic connections transform ideas. You can see more of her work at www.wenhaotien.com

SPRAY THE FRAY Jeremy 'Sobek' Harrison

Join the crew for the day! Get a lesson in aerosol arts, on-site. Experience the scale, the process, and the environment. Time and location TBD.   

Jeremy 'Sobek' Harrison is a Boston Public Artist, recognized for his deep involvement with the Graffiti traditions of Boston. He leads the Back Against the Wall initiative focused on developing community through the arts for inner city youth. Check out his work www.supersobek.com



Networks of mind are those of the body. Learn from the sparks that ignite. Let the science support you. Incorporating EMDR into her therapy practice, she intends to explore fear and the voices of the inner critic.

An educator and practitioner, Megan, is a trauma-informed expressive therapist and certified Mental Health Counselor in the medical field. Her explorative practice in learning and educating extends far into the community and surrounding communities of Boston.

WRITE IT OUT Diya Ghosh, MA 

An exploration in retelling of stories. What is a story you carry today and many days? A practice to tell it again. Bring your favorite pen!

Diya Ghosh is the owner/operator of Tuk Tak Studio, focused on creating sustainable, mindfully based art and programs for individuals and groups. Learn more... www.tuktakstudio.com

1 hour sessions will be available to explore therapeutic art-making and conversation. $75/session. Sliding scale available. create@tuktakstudio.com 857 234 7866


#intentionalcommunity #sharedspaces #sharedinterests #rest #play #learn #teach #miami2023 #healingforhealers #thelivingroomsessions

Whatever ‘guise you adorn,
Life takes its journey.
The slopes traversed,
Lifts present.


Drawing by Chick Byrne. www.chickbyrne.com

This program is dedicated to loss due to addiction, isolation, fundamental topics for TTS, and a dear friend. We had been collecting the building blocks for this program for years prior. His spirit lives in every unicorn.

Chick Byrne, Art Gaysel, Miami, 2022

You Will Always be Remembered